Director - Pēteris Krilovs

The play is based on some stories by the Irish writer James Joyce from the collection "Dubliners", prose works "A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man" and "Ulysses".
In this performance, actors balance on the thin borderline from role to role sometimes "gliding" into the seeming self-image. The environment of the show does not take the audience further than the popular coffee centre on Miera Street, but “with imagination and fantasy alone” * it becomes a Catholic college, Martello Tower, a bar or a living room in Dublin.
The authors of the script, Matīss Gricmanis and Pēteris Krilovs, say: “The search for unique and unrepeatable symbols is the goal of both Latvian and Irish national history. Parallels with Ireland are rarely drawn, (but) both nations have tried to prove themselves to the world and at the same time maintain their unique mentality. They are part of the common culture of Europe, but at the same time they have exaggeratedly shown and boasted with their symbols that distinguish them from other nations.
Stefan Dedal is an image that weaves through several works by the Irish writer James Joyce. He is an artist who once hoped to stand above the ethnic, political and religious cages that divide human communities. In the finale of “A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man”, Stefan says to his collegemate, “I will not serve what I no longer believe, whether it be my home, my homeland, or my church, and I will try to express myself in some way of life or art as freely and completely as I can.” Latvian literature has not yet experienced the kind of writer the God has given to Ireland. Joyce is like a giant rock in the world literary landscape. Our play shows how Joyce builds the characters of prose – contradictory, without pathos and lies.”
Venue: the Big Stage Miera street 58a.
Prices: 15,00; 18,00; 20,00; 25,00 EUR.
Duration: 3 h 45 min (2 acts).
Premier on September 10, 2021.