Director - Alvis Hermanis

Director Alvis Hermanis: "It is quite impossible to make a show about the "KGB files", because every person's case is too different there, therefore, it is useless to make any generalizations. Each of them should then have a separate show. We will never find out the stories of many of those found in the "KGB files". Either because they have passed away, or because in many cases their stories are too intimate and personal to share them in public. Likewise, for a variety of reasons, we will no longer learn the stories of many victims of the KGB reporters.
In the published lists, I found dozens of people I knew personally. And I know enough about the private life of many of them to imagine the basis on which they got there or were blackmailed. Putting them all in one pile is a pretty satanic plan, and with this show we wouldn't want to take part in it. Therefore, this show is not be about Andris Slapins, whose name is in KGB files and who, unlike all of us, has given his life for the freedom of Latvia. Because a simplistic historical legend about the dark and the light forces would be both false unfair. This show is about how people can be manipulated and how history can be manipulated. Both then and now.”
Venue: the Big Stage Miera Street 58a.
Duration: 5 h 30 min (3 acts).
Prices: 15,00; 20,00; 25,00; 30,00.
Premiere on April 2, 2019