Director - Alvis Hermanis


The theme of the performance is the drama of middle-aged people in modern society. In times passed, people reaching age 40, 50 had already been written off and counted as having lived their lives. Today, this generation feels embarrassed, because their youth is not going to end, the life plan seems to be fulfilled (either successfully or not), but the life is still going on and on, and a new plan is needed.

*The world premiere of LINDA VISTA was produced and presented at Steppenwolf Theatre Company, Chicago, IL: Anna D. Shapiro, Artistic Director and David Schmitz, Executive Director. Permission granted by Abrams Artists Agency, 275 Seventh Ave./ 26th Floor, New York, NY 10001, USA. All inquires concerning rights to the play shall be addressed to the above.

Venue: the Big Stage Lāčplēša Street 25.
Prices: 30,00; 35,00; 40,00 EUR.
Duration: 3 h 30 min (2 acts).
Premiere on September 1, 2018

LINDA VISTA is presented by special arrangement with “United Talent Agency”.


Director – Alvis Hermanis
Stage designer – Artūrs Virtmanis
Costume designer – Jana Čivžele
Actors - Andris Keišs, Jānis Skutelis, Baiba Broka, Elita Kļaviņa, Marta Lovisa, Gundars Āboliņš, Sandra Kļaviņa.


Līdz 14 gadu vecumam skatīties neiesakām.

Photographer - Jānis Deinats
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