Battle of the Titans
Director - Marija Linarte

The protagonist Anna and the world around her undergo unimaginable changes. This story is pages from her diary where Anna describes her enlistment and being in the National Guard, her struggle with depression and survival and what lies ahead. This is not just a documentary about what happens in the service. It is a journey of finding her truth, during which Anna tries to understand what she believes and who she really is. The show is about great struggles and rebirth.
The author and director Marija Linarte, as well as the two actors of the show Inga Tropa and Jānis Grūtups, are serving in the 13th Infantry Battalion of the 1st Riga Brigade of the National Guard. The show is based on the creative team's own experiences and the stories of other service members.
Duration: 2 h (1 act).
Prices: 30,00 EUR.
Premier on September 15, 2023.