Director - Alvis Hermanis


Actors improvisations, inspired by science fiction texts (Ray Kurzwail, Ian Mc Ewan, Andrei Kurpatov, depths of the Internet) and the latest available research in the biorobotics industry.

"Scientists around the world (in different places and independently of each other, including in Riga) have been working for some time on the problem we know as artificial intelligence. Or more specifically – in the production of a biorobot. It is a robot that externally and physically resembles a living human to the utmost degree, and whose "internal computer" mimics the process of operation of the human brain. We have been through and left behind the period of science fiction and the first biorobots are already being tested and even publicly demonstrated at scientific conferences around the world from Tokyo to Davos. Manufacturers
predict that in the next 15-20 years they could also appear on sale. Biorobots will be useful for people both at home and as interlocutors, friends and sexual partners. Their price could be similar to the average price of a new car (starting from 20,000 EUR) and they will be available in similar quantities over time,"- this is how the theme of the show is described by director Alvis Hermanis.

Venue: the Small Stage Miera Street 58a
Prices: 15,00; 18,00; 22,00 EUR.
Duration: 3 h 15 min (2 acts).
Premiere on December 4, 2019.


Director - Alvis Hermanis
Actors -  Ritvars Logins, Jānis Grūtups, Toms Harjo, Marta Lovisa, Agate Krista, Gerds Lapoška, Matīss Ozols, Dāvids Pētersons, Elvita Ragovska, Lolita Stūrmane, Sabīne Tīkmane or Telma Auziņa, Gundars Āboliņš, Daniels Adrians Tauteris.


Photographer - Jānis Deinats
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